Thursday, March 24, 2011

Thrifty Thursday

Patchwork Bird - $1.50, Twig Wreath - $2.00, Hanging Glass Star Candle Holder $5.00

Thrifty Thursdays...a new addition to the blog.  Hausfrau is going to focus on Thrift Store Treasures, Flea Market Finds, and my favorite, Street Treats!

If you ask me about my local thrift shops, I will rattle off their opening days & hours.  I was a trash-picker before it was cool.  My Dad found it rather embarrassing.  He used to claim that it was illegal in our town.  Hah!  Here are examples why I choose to buy second-hand, upcycled, or repurposed goods.

"Luck come in the house, bad luck, get out"!  Translated by my German friend.  Ceramic Plaque $10

Some of the most unique decor in our haus has come rather cheaply, if not free.  Not only is it great for my wallet, but it is also good for Mother Earth.  Keeping things out of landfills is a wonderful source of  inspiration. 

Here is a collection of recent scores:
Milk Glass Easter Chick Cup - 25 cents, Yellow Doily 50 cents
Nepalese Wool Rug $20
European Farmhouse Ladder - a little pricy at $35, but I LOVE it!
Newest Funky chair addition to my Dining room table - 20Euro, (also a bit high).
Entire collection of German Wooden Hearts $1.00

60's School Desk $10.00
I cannot remember the price of either the wall-hanging or the iron candle stand, but they sure make me happy, and fit right in with the wild bathroom we have!

The wonderful thing about Flea Markets - especially in Deutschland, is the photo opportunities. Wonderful scenes appear, everywhere you look.  It is a Photographer's Dream!

LOOK!  My chair made an appearance in the far right of the frame.

That yellow chair in the front is calling out my name!


  1. You have to send me a list of where your Thrift Shops are .. I've been here 2 years and haven't found one! Ahh!

  2. Did you go to the Pfennig bazaar hosted by the German American club a few weeks ago?
